The average house price on WINDMILL LANE is £688,553
The most expensive house in the street is BRIARWOOD WINDMILL LANE with an estimated value of £936,578
The cheapest house in the street is THE BUNGALOW WINDMILL LANE with an estimated value of £459,660
The house which was most recently sold was THE BUNGALOW WINDMILL LANE, this sold on 27 Sep 2018 for £369,500
The postcode for WINDMILL LANE is CV47 2BN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BRIARWOOD WINDMILL LANE Detached £936,578 £276,500 27 Jul 2001
COTSWOLD WINDMILL LANE Detached £505,039 £305,000 31 Jul 2008
MEADOW VIEW WINDMILL LANE Detached £839,538 £164,000 31 Jul 1997
NEWLANDS WINDMILL LANE Detached £889,998 £550,000 16 Apr 2007
THE BUNGALOW WINDMILL LANE Detached £459,660 £369,500 27 Sep 2018
THE CLOSE WINDMILL LANE Detached £500,508 £290,000 7 Apr 2011